Even if we did that for you, the information below will show you how you can make the changes yourself. We have a video version of this article: https://support.finestshops.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052496852
2.1. Setting up your logo
Go to Appearance -> Customize
Click General -> Site Identity
Click Change logo and upload a new logo image
In the Site Icon section, click "Change image" and upload your favicon
2.2. Changing the header, footer, and colors
Go to Appearance -> Colors
to change the most storefront colors
Go to Appearance -> Header and Navigation
to change the general settings for the header and navigation menu for desktop and mobile devices
2.3. Changing the text in the header and footer
When you are in Appearance -> Customize mode, you can use a pencil icon shown beside an element to customize that section.
for example, clicking on the pencil icon by the left column in the footer will open that section on the left so you change the links or add text
If you need any help, just sent your questions to support@finestshops.com or submit to our support board at support.finestshops.com
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